Infertility affects 3.3 million people in France, and endometriosis, a major cause of infertility, impacts one in ten women of childbearing age. The “Women’s and Couples’ Health” France 2030 Research Program aims to investigate these two conditions.
In this context, postdoctoral fellowships are available for projects helping to advance knowledge on endometriosis and infertility.
One or two years postdoctoral fellowships can be provided in the context of this call. Note that one year post-doctoral fellowships can be used for financing the mobility year for medical doctors embarking on a university hospital career.
In addition to the fellowship, the position will come with a 20 k€ budget/year for research expenses.
Different disciplines are invited to apply, such as basic research, clinical research, public health or research in human and social sciences.
The call is open to any candidate holding a PhD or whose defense is scheduled soon. Candidates with no prior background on endometriosis or infertility are welcome to apply as long as their project is relevant to the program.
French nationality is not a requirement.
Please log on to EVA3 to complete your application.
Please note that you must create an EVA3 account to access the platform and register for the Area – PEPR Women’s and Couple’s Health to apply for the call.
The following documents are required, if applicable, using the templates provided with the call.
- The application form including the description of the research project
- An application letter from the applicant (written in English)
- A letter from the scientific supervisor of the project stating their agreement to supervise the applicant and explaining their motivation to work on the project
- The CV of the scientific supervisor of the project
- A letter from the director of the host laboratory indicating their commitment to providing the administrative and material support needed to carry out the project
- At least 2 reference letters for the applicant
- A copy of the PhD diploma
All documents must be assembled within a single PDF.
Do not forget to check the FAQs that provide useful information.
For any other inquries, please contact us here.
- Opening of the application site: January 6th 2025
- Deadline for applications: April 4th 2025, 5pm
- Jury meeting for selection: May 2025
An independent scientific committee will review the applications. It is expected that the laureates can start working as early as October 1st 2025.
No, every application dealing with infertility, whatever the gender, is eligible.
No, the jury may involve non-French speaking people, thus applications should be written in English.
No, you can apply even if the team is part of the PEPR consortiums.
Applications must be in the name of the applicant, not the supervisor or the lab director.
No, the host lab must be identified from the beginning.
The host institution must be an academic laboratory, officially affiliated to a public research body. For example: Inserm, CNRS, INRAE, University, clinical research team in a university hospital.
All research topics are eligible as long as they are related to endometriosis and/or infertility.
As indicated in the call, it may start as soon as October 2025. However, the date is flexible, this can be discussed when the results of the call are known.
The standard duration of the fellowship is 2 years. However, we will also possibly fund 1-year fellowships. One example is medical doctors who wish to finance a year’s mobility at the start of his/her university hospital career.
See following FAQs for additional info.
The candidate must clearly explain how their research project is achievable within 1 or 2 years. They must detail the stages they plans to complete during this period and how this meets the objectives of their project. It is important to show that the project is well defined (e.g. access to the necessary resources, data collected, partnerships already in place). Consistency between the duration of the fellowship and professional ambitions is important.
The candidate must detail the objectives of this mobility (e.g. acquisition of new skills, learning of specific techniques, collaboration with experts). The candidate must explain how a 1 year mobility corresponds to the requirements of their research project, their professional development and university hospital career plan.
Yes, but you must then explain why you are applying for a 1 year fellowship, how your research project is achievable within 1 year and how it fits in with you career ambitions.
Yes, you can apply even if you have not yet obtained your degree. If you are selected by the jury, the fellowship will be conditional on your providing the diploma as soon as possible after graduation.