AAP / AMIPEPR SAFE © Adobe Stock

Opening: 30/01/2024 – Closing: 30/04/2024

Montage de consortiums © Adobe Stock

The aim of this call for applications is to set up two consortiums, one on infertility and the other on endometriosis. This call is open to all French academic teams interested in the themes described, whether in fundamental, clinical, epidemiological, public health or human and social sciences research. These teams can apply regardless of their institutional affiliation, including teams not previously specializing in infertility or endometriosis.

During the first phase of this call for applications, the letters of intent will be analyzed by an international jury made up of members of the International Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the Women’s and Couples’ Health PEPR. The jury will assess the scientific quality of the proposals, their relevance to the PEPR objectives, and their suitability for integration into a multidisciplinary consortium work program.

The jury will draw up a list of proposals, leading to the formation of two multidisciplinary research consortiums, on infertility and endometriosis respectively.

Within each consortium, the selected teams will then be invited to draw up a joint work program under the responsibility of a coordinator.

The final scientific programs will be submitted to the ANR for evaluation by an independent international jury.

Letter of intent submission website: Call for application – PEPR – Women’s and Couples’ Health (inserm.fr)